Wine O’Clock – at St. Mary’s Church, Church Road, Ferndown, Dorset

On Monday evening 23rd  October, Sarah and I will be hosting ‘Wine O’clock’. It is going to be a fun wine tasting with nibbles at St. Mary’s Church. The good news is that it is not just for connoisseurs but it is open to anyone and everyone over the age of 18, so bring your partners, and friends along. The doors will be open at 7.00pm and we’ll get underway around 7.30pm.

Sarah’s sister, Rebecca is a fully qualified wine enthusiast and has offered to lead the wine tasting in the informative but fun way she has done in her church in London on many occasions so we are thrilled and thankful that she has offered to lead us on the 23rd.

We will be trying 6 or 7 different wines of varying grape varieties which will be great fun but informative too. This is not a commercially sponsored event so there will not be any pressure to buy the wines we are tasting it is purely a fun evening with the opportunity to learn a little more about wines you may not have tried before.

Tickets have been priced very competitively at £15 each and all of the profit from the ticket money will go to the Emily Collins School but 100% of all donations or donations for products like the calendars or cards will go without any deductions. Apparently we don’t use sign up sheets any longer and there and there won’t be any physical tickets printed so please book in and pay on line, through the office, Sarah or me –

Thank you!

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All proceeds from donations go directly to the ‘The Emily Collins School’ in Africa.