Day 3#20 Today and for the next couple of days we move across the world to South America where we went to follow in Emily’s footsteps. We had arranged to travel around the region with Emily but never got the chance but after a few months we decided she would have loved us to go regardless. So, we packed our rucksacks again and headed out to La Paz to start our backpacking adventure across and around Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. This photo was taken on the tiny Pacific Ocean Island of Isla de la Plata roughly 40km off the Ecuadorian coast and part of the Machalillia National Parque. It is often referred to as ‘The Poor Man’s Galapagos Island. There are lots of Blue Footed Boobies and Frigate birds there as well as Ghost Crabs and Turtles in the surrounding waters. The Blue Footed Boobies were nesting and bringing up their young and, as we walked among them, we came across this male Booby doing his shift sitting on the egg… but notice the chick cuddling its sibling still in the egg. I don’t know whether it hatched or not but the image of this avian affection certainly touched my heart as well as filling my camera viewfinder.What initially looks like a bird sitting on a nest suddenly comes to life… This is one of my most treasured photos and confirms to me that as Rod Stewart sings ‘Every picture tells a story don’t it”.
The greeting cards are available in assorted packs of ten, but if you order two packs you will get all 20 images …