Greetings from Africa!
just a few words from us in here in Uganda. We have been here for more than three weeks and we have one more week to go…It has been a wonderful, if emotional trip, visiting the homes of the children that we sponsor, the woodworking training centre and the Emily Collins School. We’ve had a wonderful time and now we are visiting Bex Henderson at ‘Loved’ in Mbale, another children’s project supported from the UK… Loved looks after babies and their mothers and Mbale is so far ‘East’ we are almost in Kenya whereas Kisoro was so far ‘West’ we were almost in Rwanda or even the DRC…indeed, wherever you are in Africa, children are the issue!
On our trip, we’ve met wonderful people, animals and birds but we have a dilemma…. should we come here to help ‘on the ground’ to make things happen more quickly or should we really commit to working from the UK to help Martin Duhimbaze, our wonderful friend and founder of Our Father’s House Ministries to continue what he is doing to achieve more than we could hope or imagine? We think it is right to work from afar to continue to deliver on all fronts. These are Ugandan projects, managed by Ugandans for Ugandans. it is not for for us to dictate, but to support! People have told me we need a ‘white overseer’ but, I’m sorry, I reject that concept wholeheartedly… From what we have witnessed we could not have even come close to achieving what Martin Duhimbaze and his team have achieved so please continue to help us to help them to stand tall and proud of everything they hope for!
More photos when we get home!