Untold joy in Rukungiri district..

Dec 24, 2021 | Building the Emily Collins School - Latest news

Martin has often told us about how happy the children are when they are told they have secured a sponsor. Well, we now know what an understatement this is….Sarah and I witnessed the absolute untold joy this young girl displayed upon hearing the news! We were visiting another girl who lives nearby and they are close friends but the difference between the two was stark. It was an emotional moment and just so heartening to see their joy being doubled…
As a result of being sponsored this young girl has been given a lifeline and has hope, the wound on her leg has been treated, she has received a mattress, food and clothing and she attended the open day with the other children at the community centre. When school starts again in January, she will join her friend there and, whilst it was a wonderful experience for her, it was also so encouraging for us to see that the work of OFHM that we support is so effective..
Remember, ‘sponsoring a child’ is a serious commitment it is not just for Christmas, but if you are interested in seeing how you could help please feel free to contact me or go directly to Martin Duhimbaze.
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